
1. Gold Partnership
We offer our site’s background to display our Partner’s corporate image. 100% of our site’s available space will promote our Gold Partner. This is by far our most cost-efficient advertising package. Please see illustration below.

Site without a Gold Partner’s promotion:

Site with Gold Partner’s promotion 
(a wine producer's background image is used as model) 

Gold Partnership Pricing:
(per month, US$, tax included) 
1–2 months contract: 1280 
36 months contract: 960 
712 months contract: 832  (best value)
24 months contract:  640 

2. Principal Language Sponsor
CJ has international reach, and will be published in 4 languages.  We could offer that the English, Georgian, or other language version of Caucasian Journal will be presented by your company. The readers will be informed that all translations are made possible thanks to your brand, as the principal sponsor.  Company’s logos with links will also be placed visibly. 
Pricing: The price depends of amount of translation, and is between 600 – 800 US$ per month.

3. Banner advertising
Banners are placed in the right column. As example, see ICC Georgia’s small banner.
Pricing: Depending on height of banner, the price is 100 – 300 US$ per month.

Free Artwork. Brand promotion using background requires professional designer’s work.  We offer all artwork FREE as a bonus for our partner company.

Feel free to contact us for more details:

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